なら国際映画祭とは? What's NIFF?
Marking 1,300 years since the capital of Japan was moved to Nara, the Nara International Film Festival began in 2010 with film creator Naomi Kawase as executive director. In addition to holding the international film festival once every two years, we also have a number of other projects to help share the fascination of film, including making films set in Nara with young directors from Japan and abroad, workshops for children and international students, and a moving movie theater in Nara City called Nara Cinémathèque.

エグゼクティブディレクター 河瀬直美よりごあいさつ Naomi Kawase, Executive Director, Nara International Film Festival

Nara is god’s nursery, with deer and humans happily living together in this town of so much world heritage. In this town, we are cultivating these four small nurseries: one that is “sacred”, one that is “ordinary”, one that connects the sacred and ordinary, and one for the days yet to come.
Festival(映画祭) Film Festival
Once every two years, films created by the young directors of the world come together. This is our sacred time when we roll out the red carpet in Nara, a town where gods, deer, and humans reside.
ならCinematheque Nara Cinémathèque
This is a way to brighten a town without a movie theater. We have screened one film on one weekend every month for the past seven years. This nursery is an “ordinary” time, in which we can see these famous films up on the big screen in our daily lives.

NARAtive project
美しい奈良の風景や人々の暮らしを、物語を通して世界に発信。映画祭で選ばれた若手監督の才能が、奈良のいずれかの市町村で映画をつくります。「ハレとケをつなぐ日」の庭。それがNARAtive project。
The beautiful scenery of Nara and the daily lives of locals are shown through a story and told to the world in this project. The talents of one of the young directors chosen at the film festival will make a film in one of the cities, towns, or villages of Nara. This nursery connects the sacred with the ordinary. That is what the NARAtive project is all about.
Youth CINEMA project
Creating. Watching. Fascination. Involving the three pillars that support film, this project raises the film people of the future. With children aged 13~18 experiencing the real, energetic environment, this is a nursery for the coming future.
お庭にはそれぞれの想いがあり、世界への扉があります。 2020年は世界中の人々が小さなウィルスの脅威を実感することとなりました。けれど、そんな時だからこそ、私たちは、この庭に今年も小さな種を撒くことにします。それは、これらの庭から世界への扉を開き、今こそ、本当の意味での国境を超えたつながりを実感したい、そして「日本」を改めて誇りに思いたいからです。
私たちは、この地球という同じ船に乗った人々です。78 億の人々の心に芸術の光が宿り、世界を照らすことができますように。皆様とともに、この庭を育むことができれば幸いです。
In these nurseries are all of these thoughts, and a door to the rest of the world. 2020 has made the whole world feel the threat of a small virus. However, it is because it is a time like this that we have once again decided to plant our small seeds this year. It opens the door from these nurseries to the rest of the world, and because now of all times, we want to truly feel these borderless connections and rediscover our pride in Japan.
We are all riding in the same boat that this earth is. The radiance of art resides in the hearts of all 7.8 billion people, and we hope that radiance will brighten the world. We're looking forward to growing these nurseries together with all of you.
Naomi Kawase's presentation about the Nara International Film Festival at TED×Tokyo