運営団体について About the Organization
The Nara International Film Festival is operated by our special non-profit organization, Nara International Film Festival (NPO).
代表からのごあいさつ Greeting from Our President
I would sincerely like to thank you for all of the kind words you have offered the Nara International Film Festival. It is thanks to you that 12 years have passed since we started this organization, and 10 years since we held our first film festival. In that time, we have had so many new encounters that crossed both oceans and generations, all through film. We have been able to witness new works being created as well. It has been a path full of both thrills and miracles. Though there were some tough moments, being able to hold this festival has brought me such a deep happiness every time, and I am very grateful for all of your support that has allowed us to continue to move forward with high visions.
As we approach our 6th festival, the world has been put into an unprecedented situation. With talk of a new normal, we have had plenty of time to stop and think deeply about all of this. As Nara is a place where the divine, nature, and people live in harmony, a film festival that reaches from Nara out to the rest of the world is needed now more than ever. That is the thought that I arrived at. With all of our experience so far, I feel very strongly about delivering a “new” Nara International Film Festival to the world now. Thank you for all of your understanding and cooperation.
, President, Nara International Film Festival (NPO)
理事・幹事・実行委員 Directors, Officers, and Committee Members
- エグゼクティブディレクター
- 河瀨 直美
- 理事長
- 近藤 誠一
- 理事
- 村井 満
- 理事
- 稲田 浩之
- 理事
- 大西 洋
- 理事
- 藤村 滋弘
- 理事
- 中西 康博(奈良県ビジターズビューロー)
- 理事
- 高橋 一(奈良市観光協会)
- 理事
- 峯川 郁朗(奈良商工会議所)
- 理事
- 畠中 幸治(南都銀行)
- 実行委員
- 桝崎 徹
- 実行委員
- 吉岡 亜衣子
- Executive Producer: Naomi Kawase
- President: Seiichi Kondo
- Director: Mitsuru Murai
- Director: Hiroyuki Inada
- Director: Shigehiro Fujimura
- Director: Yasuhiro Nakanishi
- Director: Hajime Takahashi
- Director: Ikuro Minekawa
- Director: Koji Hatanaka
- Executive Committee Member: Toru Masuzaki
- Executive Committee Member: Aiko Yoshioka
- 福井水道工業株式会社
- 医療法人慈生会岡村産婦人科
- 谷川東築設計事務所
- 株式会社Women's Future Center
- ホテル尾花
- 株式会社楓工務店
- 株式会社福住ハウジング
- EU・ジャパンフェスト日本委員会
- 株式会社京都ドーナッツクラブ
- 商店街振興組合三条通ショッピングモール
- 有限会社ならがよい
- 林 寛税理士事務所
- タケムラ株式会社
- 株式会社カメダデンキ
- 大峰堂薬品工業株式会社
- 株式会社スペースマイン
- 株式会社 つのや
- 合同会社SOULS
- 有限会社アンシャンテ
- 随時募集中
事務局について About the Office
奈良市花芝町17番地 サン・ふくむらびるpartI 201号室
TEL : 0742‐95‐5780
Partl 201 Sun Fukumaru Bld.
17 Hanasiba-cho, Nara-shi, Nara-ken