
  • JapaneseJP
  • EnglishEN

作品を応募する Submit a Film


これまでの NARAtive 作品情報URL:https://narative.jp/


The Nara International Film Festival is a biennial film festival located in one of the most historically rich cities of Japan, Nara. Since the founding year of 2010, the festival has been celebrating emerging filmmakers with the Cannes winning filmmaker Naomi Kawase as an executive director. The festival has presented two film competitions: NARAtive International Competition and NARA-wave Student film Competition. Along with the film competitions, many other film screenings and interactive events entertain not only the festival visitors and guests but also locals.
One of the winners of the Competition programs will receive an opportunity to direct a film in Nara, Japan.
The Nara International Film Festival embraces cultural diversity and up-and-coming talent from all over the world and offers a uniquely intimate experience to showcase new artistic talents surrounded by the world heritage sites.
Start Entry Here:
International Competition
INARA-wave Student Competition


International Competition


なら国際映画祭 FilmFreeway ウェブサイトからご応募ください。    https://filmfreeway.com/NaraInternationalFilmFestival

※応募には FilmFreeway 監督用アカウント作成、応募作品の視聴リンクが必要になります。


2023 年12月18日〜2024年4月30日

Earlybird Deadline 2024 年 1/16 まで 30 USドル
Regular Deadline 2024 年 2/29 まで 40 USドル
Late Deadline 2024 年 4/30 まで 50 USドル

※応募費支払いは FilmFreeway 申し込み時にてクレジットカード決済のみとなります。

1. 監督の長編 1 作品及び 2 作品目であること
2. 70 分以上の作品であること
3. 監督一人につき一作品まで
4. 2022 年 7 月 1 日以降に完成した作品であること
5. 海外作品についてはジャパンプレミアであること / 日本作品は日本の他の映画祭や自主上映を除き、劇場公開上映がなされていないこと
6. オンラインで放映をしていない作品
7. 英語以外の言語の映画の場合、英語字幕がついているもの
  8. 監督が「なら国際映画祭 2024」 に参加できること

※海外の監督へは、奈良での宿泊費と往復のエコノミークラスの航空券を 1 枚(監督1名のみ)提供します。 ※日本国内から参加の場合は、奈良での宿泊費と交通費を提供します。

1. ゴールデン SHIKA 賞(最高賞)
2. 観客賞(観客から最も多く選ばれた賞)
3. ベストパフォーマンス賞(最優秀俳優賞)
  インターナショナルコンペティションの受賞者(ベストパフォーマンス賞受賞作品を除く)は、次の「NARAtive 2026」への企画提案の権利が与えられます。「NARAtive」とは、なら国際映画祭の資金提供を受け、奈良県内をメインロケ地としてオリジナル映画を制作するプロジェクトです。これまでの NARAtive はこちら。

ならまちセンター他 http://naramachi-center.org/ 


吉岡アイコ aikosama@gmail.com

The Nara International Film Festival is a biennial film festival located in one of the most historically rich cities of Japan, Nara. Since the founding year of 2010, the festival has been celebrating emerging filmmakers with the film director, Naomi Kawase as an executive director. The festival has presented two film competitions: NARAtive International Competition and NARA-wave Student film Competition. One of the winners from the two competition programmes will be granted the privilege to become a director of our film making project, NARAtive.

NARAtive info URL:https://narative.jp/eng/ 

<Entry Period>
December 18, 2023 - April 30, 2024

<Eligibility and Entry>
For the detailed submission information and to make an entry for the International Competition, please visit the Nara International Film Festival's FilmFreeway website: https://filmfreeway.com/NaraInternationalFilmFestival/ 

<Conditions of Participation>
1. The submission must be the director's first or second full-length film.
2. The submission must be 70 minutes or longer in length. ※There are no restrictions on the topic or genre of the film.
3. Only one film per director can be submitted.
4. The film must have been completed on July 1, 2022 or later.
5. Submissions from abroad must be making their Japanese premier at the time of the Nara International Film Festival 2024. Submissions of Japanese films must have not been released to any theaters in Japan, with the exceptions of other Japanese film festivals and personal screenings.
6. Submissions in a language other than English or Japanese must have English subtitles. 8. The nominated film’s director must be able to participate at the Nara International Film Festival 2022.
※For directors from abroad, we will offer expenses for lodging in Nara and round-trip economy class airfare (for just one director).
※For people participating from within Japan, we will offer expenses for lodging in Nara and travel expenses.

<Contact info: info@nara-iff.jp>

ナラウェイブ - 学生映画部門 NARA-wave - Student Competition







ならまちセンター他 http://naramachi-center.org/ 

  学生によるオリジナル映像作品(2022年5月以降完成作品で完成時、監督および主要スタッフが学生であったこと。学生とは、大学生、大学院生、専門学校生、それらに準ずる学生です) テーマは自由。監督、作者の眼差しを感じる作品とします。 作品の上映時間は問いません。


学生によるオリジナル映像作品・年齢制限なし ただし応募に際して監督1名に付き1作品とします。また、応募料は必要ありません。









なら国際映画祭公式ホームページ https://nara-iff.jp/

  NPO法人 なら国際映画祭

NARA-wave is a program for video works from students. Submissions will be chosen by our selection committee and screened at Nara International Film Festival 2024. For Japanese student films, English subtitles will be added to works chosen to be screened.
Along with the award winning directors from the International Competition, the winners of Golden KOJIKA and Audience awards from the NARA-wave Student Competition will also have the opportunity to submit a proposal for the following year's NARAtive project.
Please apply with the application form on the Nara International Film Festival's website or mail it to us directly.

<Submission Period>
December 18, 2023 - April 30, 2024

<Application Fee>

<Conditions of Participation>
1. Must be an original video work by a student. (Completed in May, 2022 or later, when either the director or main filmmaker was a student. A "student" means someone who is a student at a university, a graduate student, a student at an occupational school, or a student that is equivalent to those.)
2. One work per director.
※There are no age restrictions.
※The length of the work does not matter.
※There are no restrictions for the theme. A work that lets us feel the perspective of the director or filmmaker.

<Application Format>
There are no restrictions for the format in which the work is filmed. Formats for submission are a private/limited-access link on a streaming site like Vimeo or YouTube where we can see the film. Please provide the following information with your work in the online Application Form.
Online Application Form:

<NARA-wave Student Competition Award>
1. Golden KOJIKA Award
2. Audience Award
3. Best Performance Award

<Mailing Address>
NPO Nara International Film Festival - Office
Attention: NARA-wave Committee - Submissions Coordinator
Sun Fukumaru Bld. 2nd Floor
17 Hanashiba-cho, Nara-shi, Nara-ken 630-8266

<Other Inquiries>
E-mail :info@nara-iff.jp

<Operated By>
Nara International Film Festival Planning Committee