We will screen 11 films, divided into 4 programs, A~D. Program A will have 4 films, B and C will each have 3, and D will have 1 film. Please be aware that the start time for each film's program is listed next to the film, and not necessarily the specific time that film will start.
Program C
High school student Arisa has trouble fitting in with her group, and with things not going well at home, her life has become gloomy. One night, Arisa is lured by some bad friends of hers, and snatches a guitar from a homeless-like man on the street. Bothered by her feelings of guilt, on a later day she goes to return the guitar to that man, but...
World Premiere
Screening Dates, Times, and Venues
- Sep. 20 17:00~ Sep. 21 12:30~
- Evans Castle Hall
Guest Talk Session After Screening
Director:Takuya Miyahara
- Japan
- 2019
- 42min
- Color
- Japanese
- ENG Sub.
所属校 ENBUゼミナール|撮影 近松栄実|録音・整音 松隈結花|助監督 樋山匠|キャスト 櫻井成美、畠山凌雅
Takuya Miyahara
Born in Tokyo. He spent his early years in England, and after coming back to Japan, studied linguistics at a university. He soon felt that language is incomplete, and became fascinated by non-language things like music and film. He currently works full-time, in addition to playing in a band and making films, leading a life with these three endeavors. He made sweep., is his first mid-length film, at a film school in 2019.
Director’s Statement
There are some times for everyone when we just can't find the right words for our thoughts or feelings. I myself feel like I've experienced the frustration of words feeling like a wall. With that, this film takes a form that doesn't rely on dialogue, aiming for a production that brings out the power of music and film. Please experience Arisa's feelings and thoughts.

Other Screenings

Program A
- Light•Walk
- Director : Koki Yonezawa

Program A
- Lanny
- Director : Chuah Jie Xie

Program A
- Tokyo Girl
- Director : Nebiro Hashimoto

Program A
- Six Hours
- Director : Yana Chernukha

Program B
- Blooming Sunset at Dawn
- Director : Huang Menglu

Program B
- Village In The Sky
- Director : Ramesh Holbole

Program B
- After the Night on the Bridge
- Director : Yuiga Danzuka

Program C
- Drifting
- Director : Bo Hanxiong

Program C
- The Sound of the Safe
- Director : Clara Saunier

Program D
- Roll
- Director : Daichi Murase